Sunday, September 5, 2010

The science of getting rich

A Book review, from Keith Layton

Every once in a while a good book comes along that should be read, and shared with others,

The Science of getting Rich “Network Marketing Edition”,

by Wallace D Wattles.

Is one such book. I bought from for about 4-5 bucks, and I was surprised at how much good information was in this little 97 page book.

First of all the name was a little misleading as it has nothing to do with network marketing directly , but the principals in this book could easily be applied to network marketing, or any other business you may be in as far as that goes. It took me about a week or so to read it, and I feel it would be great if every one could take the time to read it and absorb the material inside the book.

The main theme of the book is that if we do things in a certain way then it will be easier than ever to get rich, because in truth the only difference between you, and the person who you call “Rich” is the approach taken to get there. Lets assume that there are some fundamental truths in the world, some things that destined to happen no matter what you and I do. No matter how you slice it there is still 24 hrs in a day, the spring will always follow winter, night follows the day, and if you break the law you pay the price, weather or you pay it now or later, you will pay the price.

Here is some of the truths in this book,

“Success in life is becoming what you want to be; you can become what you want to be only by making use of the things, and you can have the free use of things only as you become rich enough to buy them. To understand the science of getting rich it is therefore the most essential of all knowledge.”

“There is nothing wrong with wanting to become rich, the desire to for riches is really the desire for a richer, fuller, and the more abundant life; and that desire is praise worthy.”

All this is to say that getting rich is normal and even healthy for our lives, and our soul. If we the hands, and eyes of God, then it would stand to reason - just as we would want all the good things in life for our children that God would want us too -enjoy the good things in life. To be able to enjoy the goodness of life, and see all the wonders of God’s handy work, all over the world we have to be able to pay the price for travel or whatever the other costs would be. Also consider this, in order for us to be able to help others we have to have the resources avail. Looking back in the bible you can find many stories of men that God had made wealthy. The more you have, the more you can give.

There has been times in my life where I have seen something really grand, but I was all alone, no one to share it with. So having a chance to see something through the eyes of another, be it your child, or through your lovers eye, somehow the magic, and grandeur is restored, all because you were able to see it again through the eyes of another. God wants to see life, and live life, through our eyes. In order to enjoy the fullness of life , we need the resources to do so. So being rich is good, it is God’s will for us to be rich. The only caution here is don’t let the pursuit of money become your God.

First step of getting rich is having a clear picture of what you want, how much money do you desire, what will you wear, where will you go when you achieve your wealth. God says in his word without vision the people perish. So what is your vision? Everyday spend time thinking about what you want, and everyday add more details to your mental picture, and everyday stay focused on your dream, and take the actions that will bring you closer to that which you desire. In studies of the mind the subconscious sees in color, movement, and in sound. So when you are thinking about your dream, add as much color, movement, and even the sounds that would be present when you reach your dreams. Doing this will bring you closer to your dreams, and remember “What you think about, is what you bring about“.

This book also speaks to this “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for the day, but if you teach him how to fish, you can feed him for life” Hands-out sometimes helpful but they are only temporary, if you really want to help out your fellow man then the best thing we can do is get rich ourselves, in doing so we are showing them that if we can do it, then so can they. “What one man can do , so can another.” By getting rich ourselves we become a inspiration to others. We have lit the path of which other can follow if they only look at the clues we have left behind. Like the clues left behind by others for us to follow. There is always room at the top, and the view is the best in the world.

Another secret, to getting rich form the this wonderful book is this, when you deal with others always give more value than you take. For example you will pay certain price for a book that you want, The author wanted to make some extra money. So you buying the book has allowed the author to make the money he wanted, but what you learn from a book is far more valuable than the price you paid for the book. Therefore the author gave you more value than he took, everybody wins. Likewise when you are doing your business what are you doing to add more value than the price you take? When you operate on these principals you draw more business to you, hence you earn more money down the road, everybody wins. Zig Ziglar says it like this, “You can have all that you want in life, when help enough other people get what they want in life.”

In the closing words of the book he talks about having a clear mental picture of what you want, what you desire, and above all else, ”The riches they receive will be in direct proportion to the definiteness of their vision, the fixity of their purpose, the steadiness of their faith, and the depth of their gratitude”.

This book covers more but you will have a good idea of the purpose of the book from this review., I highly recommend this book. Remember you desire to be rich, and God wants us to be rich. Enjoy life, and be a blessing to somebody else.

Today I hope I have added value to your life, lastly please go to my website and see the health and wellness products avail, and look at the opportunity to earn money, all the money you are willing to work for. It isn’t a get rich scheme, but it is a vehicle that if you work at it can make you fart more money than you will earn t a regular 9-5 job

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